Water Vole Survey



Water Vole surveys, technical reports and mitigation plans are required for development projects that could affect water voles and their habitats, as part of getting planning permission or a mitigation licence. Surveys are need to show whether presence / absence of water vole. Mitigation plans may be required to show how a project or development will avoid, reduce or manage any negative effects to water voles.




When are Water Vole Surveys Required?

Survey Info

Water Vole surveys, technical reports and mitigation plans are required for development projects that could affect water voles and their habitats, as part of getting planning permission or a mitigation licence.

Surveys are need to show whether presence / absence of water vole.

Mitigation plans may be required to show how a project or development will avoid, reduce or manage any negative effects to water voles.

Water Vole surveys

Water vole surveys can be undertaken at any time of the year but are optimum between March and September. Surveys are undertaken to identify field sign of water vole presence including burrows, droppings, feeding stations, runs and footprints.

Water voles generally live in burrows that can extend up to 2m from the water’s edge. Females may create ‘lawns’ of grazed vegetation around their burrows; this usually indicates young are present. Although mainly active during the day they are rarely seen. They are active all year round but are markedly less active during the winter.


Why Choose Ellendale Environmental?

Our experience ecologists have the experience and expertise to undertake water vole surveys on all scale of projects and have experience of water voles surveys throughout Britain. We are able to design and implement water vole mitigation appropriate to your project following the relevant good practice guidelines.

Your development will be in safe hands with our experts at Ellendale Environmental who will work alongside you to ensure that your development is compliant with the law which will minimise disruption to your project. We are able to ensure this through extensive searches of the surrounding area being conducted for the presence of water voles. If water voles are present we work collectively to ensure the development process is not hindered whilst protecting the species through implementing appropriate mitigation.


Water Vole Survey - Find Out More

Water Voles (Arvicola amphibius) are the largest of the four the four British vole species and Britain's fastest declining wild mammal. Water voles are found in slow flowing rivers, streams, ditches and around lakes, reed-beds, marshes and ponds with relatively steep banks, usually in rural areas. They are also found in uplands areas and heathland.

Water voles are fully protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) and this makes it is a criminal offence to;

  • intentional Kill, injure or take (capture) a water vole;

  • Damage, destroy or obstruct access to any structure or place which a water vole uses for shelter or protection; or to

  • Disturb a water vole while it is occupying a structure or place which it uses for that purpose.

Water voles are classified as a Priority Species in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan and a species of principal importance under the Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006, and local authorities and other public bodies have a legal duty to take their conservation into account. They are also a material consideration in the planning process.