Preliminary Ecological Appraisal

Ellendale Environmental ecologists undertake ecology surveys throughout the UK including Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA). Our ecologists have completed PEA surveys to support planning applications for a wide range of developments to including proposed residential developments, overhead lines, substations, underground cables, peak gas generators, pipelines, roads, industrial sites and glamping developments as part of planning applications.  

When is Preliminary Ecological Appraisal needed?

Many of our clients require a PEA survey to support a planning application for their proposed development project. A PEA survey provides an ecological baseline for an area of land, establishing what ecological features are present and how a future development may impact on these.  Each survey is tailored specifically to the site and the needs of the project to support the planning application, and the PEA is used to inform where further assessments may be required before planning permission can be granted. 

What is a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal?

There are three components required as part of a PEA: (1) an ecological desk study (2) a physical survey, often an Extended Phase 1 Habitat survey and (3) a technical report and GIS mapping.

The desk study is undertaken to obtain baseline information about a site, including any nearby designated sites or known records of protected species. There are many habitats across the UK which are protected by law including Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Where a development is proposed within or adjacent to one of these protected areas, then this can potentially constrain a development proposal.

Following the desk study, a physical survey of the site is undertaken to identify habitats within the survey area which are protected and where they could support protected or notable species.  The habitats are classified and mapped (using target notes), and any potential interest to nature conservation and the associated plant species are also noted.  The aim of the physical survey will be to identify any potential constraints to development on the site based on the habitats present.

In addition to the survey for habitats, a physical survey for protected or notable species of conservation concern is also undertaken. The presence or potential presence of protected or notable species (e.g. bats, badger, otter) is recorded using field signs within the suitable habitat.

The presence (or potential presence) of protected species does not necessarily mean that a development cannot go ahead. Further survey and mitigation may be required where a full assessment of the constraints cannot be undertaken; however, mitigation can often be incorporated into the design of a development based on the advice of the ecologist and the results of the physical surveys.

Why Choose Ellendale Environmental?

Ellendale Environmental ecologists are experienced at undertaking PEA surveys and recognising the field signs of protected species and have a pro-active approach of developing mitigation for potential ecological constraints identified during the survey, whilst also recommending ways to incorporate biodiversity net gain into the development design.

For example, multiple badger setts were identified during a PEA survey within the survey area of a proposed glamping site in East Lothian. Our ecologists were able to obtain a badger licence from the regulator to disturb the setts while works could be completed for the development of the site. 

As a result, planning permission was granted for the project and the work had a low impact on the integrity of the biodiversity of the site. In addition, Ellendale ecologists had input into the mitigation and compensation to provide ecological enhancements including planting of native hedgerows, bird and bat boxes across the site and bee posts. This maintained habitat connectivity across the site and added extra habitat which increased opportunities for wildlife within the glamping development.

Ellendale Environmental ecologists have experience of ecology surveying for a wide range of habitats across Scotland, England and Wales, from woodland to grassland and heathland and our ecologists are knowledgeable about the species who make their home in these habitats. 

If you require a PEA survey and want to discuss how Ellendale Environmental can help then please get in touch.

Stewart Parsons