Ellendale Environmental receives positive client feedback on a recent project

Ellendale Environmental recently completed a Noise Impact Assessment for a proposed residential development in Harthill, Scotland.  The assessment was undertaken to support a planning application for the site, which proposes to develop 16 flats across two local authority boundaries, West Lothian and North Lanarkshire.

Ellendale assisted Neil Gray of Gray Planning on this application and the team is very pleased to have received positive feedback on the noise report.  Neil commented that “the EHO was content with the noise report and recommended the advice in your report be conditions of planning, so we appreciate your input to the project to date”.

The noise report was based on measurements of traffic noise and assessed the site in terms of its suitability for residential development.  Ellendale recommended suitable mitigation measures, in terms of glazing and ventilation, in order to meet guideline values for noise levels within living rooms and bedrooms.

Ellendale also assisted with an ecology survey for the site and we hope to see a successful outcome for the developer and all involved in this housing project.


Ellendale Environmental are very pleased to welcome BlairMcNicol to the team!


Andrew Whitelee obtained his SNH Schedule 1 bird survey licence