The Sounds of Nature

With current travel restrictions resulting in fewer cars on the road (and hence less noise), we have been noticing much more of nature and its sounds. This has reminded us of the sculpted trees in the Plaza de San Francisco in Seville, which were full of birds at the time of visiting and was quite the noise.

These trees sit outside the Banco de Espana, flanking the Fuente de Mercurio, and it definitely provided us with a different soundscape within a busy city square full of locals and tourists, and the nearby passing trams.  We did not manage to record the level of the birds singing, but as the video shows, you can only just about hear anything else!

Birds sing to attract a mate and to defend a territory, and scientists have noticed that birds in towns and cities have higher-pitched songs than birds living in the countryside.

Perhaps with less noise from traffic and people the birds will not have to sing so loud, but we are certainly noticing them a lot more.


International Bat Appreciation Day 2020


Hedgehogs are one of the UK’s best-loved mammals and sadly now in serious decline.