CARE in Construction

Staff from Ellendale Environmental attended the Care in Construction day at Melgarve Substation on behalf of Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN).

CARE in Construction demonstrated how a site is committed to ensuring the environment is protected during the construction phase of a project. CARE stands for Commitment, Awareness, Rigor and Engagement.  Environmental activities are required throughout the construction process, whether it is pre-construction ecology surveys to establish the baseline or applying for licences for protected species from SNH.

The Ellendale Environmental Team were on site to film with SSEN discussing environmental topics related to the construction process and presenting to the site team examples of the good environmental practice on site that ensure the environment is protected such as the implementation of species protection plans, monitoring, mitigation and silt management.

It is extremely important that the environmental team engages with everyone on site to make them aware of environmental constraints. There are many ways of engaging with colleagues and contractors including, toolbox talks, stand down days and community outreach. People from both the construction and environmental industries can work together to CARE for our environment.

Ellendale Environmental are committed to making sure we do the right thing and act responsibly. We work closely with our clients to ensure their site are managed correctly to reduce the impacts of construction and to incorporate enhancements to ensure biodiversity net gain is achieved at the end of the project.


The Invasive Species Cook Book – Wild Garlic


Project Number 200