Ellendale Environmental has a new Senior Ecologist!

We’re pleased to welcome Andrew Whitelee to our team!

Andrew joins us as a Senior Ecologist and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to enhance our ability to support our widening customer base. Andrew will be working on projects throughout the UK providing surveys, environmental management and advice to our clients.

Andrew brings with him experience of ecological surveys and environmental management on large scale developments including utilities, road and residential schemes. He has managed teams of ecologists providing baseline ecology surveys, reports, mitigation proposals and species licencing.


Andrew’s experience as an Environmental / Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) will ensure he is able to provide on-site ecological and environmental management for our projects helping our clients to deliver their projects.


The invasive Species Cookbook - Kung Pao Venison


New Industry Standard Guidance Document ‘Bats and Onshore Wind Turbines: Survey, Assessment and Mitigation’