The role of an ECoW

 Environmental Clerk of Works or Ecological Clerk of Works?

Construction supervision is important and often required by planning for medium and large projects. On-site supervision of works ensures that environmental impacts are avoided and ecological mitigation is implemented in accordance with the law and best practice.

What are ECoW and ENCoW?

An Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) will ensure that the appropriate protected species surveys have been undertaken for a site, following current legislation and best practice techniques.  On-site supervision of works is provided by the ECoW to provide practical advice during the works  to minimise impacts on protected species and sites.

Within the role an ECoW will provide targeted toolbox talks, undertake monitoring, develop and implementation species protection plans (SPPs), obtain protected species licences as required and undertake mitigation for protected species ahead of the works.

An Environmental Clerk of Works (ENCoW) involves ensuring environmental standards are being maintained within a site such as water and silt management, oil and fuel storage and waste management.  The role includes knowledge of fuel and oil storage legislation, Controlled Activity Regulations and General Binding Rules. The successful management of these aspects can significantly reduce the risk of negative impacts to the surrounding environment, and can assist significantly with a projects reputation. 

Where the roles overlap

There are some areas within the role which don’t divide so easily, such as habitat reinstatement and management. Reinstatement can include the restoration of peatland following the removal of an access track, but with Ecological insight this can be management to improve the area beyond its initial state increasing the ecological value of the land to preserve and protect the landscape and the wildlife within it. Likewise, vegetation can be planted for screening, but if well managed can be done in such a way to provide habitat to known species in the area, and if desired, can be managed to encourage protected species into a region.

Why Choose Ellendale Environmental?

Ellendale Environmental work with our clients to understand the environmental challenges of their projects within UK and European Environmental Law. Our ECoWs are able to provide both environmental and ecological input to a site, identifying the requirements of a project and  providing practical based solutions to ensure the best possible outcome can be found for your project, whilst protecting the natural environment.

We are a pro-active team dedicated to delivering excellence across all of our services to meet the needs of our clients and to protect the environment whilst facilitating the development requirements of their projects.

Ellendale Environmental have provided ECoW’s to construction projects including overhead lines (OHL), underground cables, flood management schemes, substations, roads and pipelines.


Bird scares to deter nesting birds during the summer months on a Substation site. Large settlement ponds (swales) and silt fencing visible in the background for silt mitigation.

Bird scares to deter nesting birds during the summer months on a Substation site. Large settlement ponds (swales) and silt fencing visible in the background for silt mitigation.

Sillt fencing installed below a newly installed access track to prevent runoff into a water crossing. Booms installed in the burn to absorb any oil droplets that may come from works upstream.

Sillt fencing installed below a newly installed access track to prevent runoff into a water crossing. Booms installed in the burn to absorb any oil droplets that may come from works upstream.


Consolidation of the Habitats Regulations in England and Wales


Great Crested Newt (GCN)