Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey

An Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey is often the best way to provide an initial ecological overview of a proposed development site, to describe the habitats present and identify the presence or likely presence of any protected species.

A Phase 1 Habitat Survey is a standardised survey method devised by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) which involves a walkover of the site, mapping the different habitat types (e.g. broadleaved woodland, improved grassland, ponds). These habitats are differentiated mainly by their structure and vegetation, and are recorded onto a basemap. ‘Target Notes’ are made where further detail is needed, e.g. to note that a field has recently been cut, or that a pond is used by livestock.

The survey is ‘extended’ byincluding greater detail of the habitats present (such as lists of key plant species) and by including a preliminary survey for protected species, making target notes to record presence, field signs or suitable habitat for species such as badgers, bats, otters and great crested newts.

In some situations, an Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey is the only ecological survey required to support a planning application. In other cases it will identify further, more targeted, surveys required in order to identify and mitigate ecological impacts and support your planning application.


What is an NVC Survey?


Otter Surveys - The Eurasian otter Lutra lutra