What is an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)?

Ellendale Environmental provide ECoW services on a number of projects including underground cable routes, substations, overhead lines, flood alleviation scheme and road projects.

An ECoW is now often required by planning authorities as part of planning conditions that require on-site supervision during the development phase of a project to ensure that ecological and environmental impacts are avoided or mitigated.

Ellendale Environmental ECoW’s provide on-site support and guidance throughout the construction of a project providing support to our clients with legislation and planning conditions. Our ECoW’s provide advice on a number of environmental disciplines including;

  • Ecological surveys, including protected species surveys and bird monitoring during construction;
  • Providing risk assessments for species such as otter and bats to avoid impacts on the species and delays to the work programme;
  • Providing advice on best practice for mitigation and promoting environmental awareness within the project;
  • Micro-siting advice to minimise or prevent disturbance or damage to sensitive ecological receptors, including flora and fauna;
  • Silt mitigation monitoring of watercourses including water sampling;
  • Species Protection Plans to ensure the protection of known constraints on site and providing advice to contractors on the delivery of these;
  • Environmental reports providing regular updates for our clients and consultees on the environmental progress of the project;
  • Liaising with consultees relevant to the project including Natural England (NE), Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and Natural Resource Wales (NRW); and
  • Practical advice on reinstatement and long-term restoration including post constriction monitoring and reporting.

Otter Surveys - The Eurasian otter Lutra lutra


Seaside Crabbing – Shore Crabs